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  • Spotlight on Attendance

  • Attendance and Punctuality 


The Orchard Centre is committed to supporting young people and their families in improving and sustaining attendance. This is vital to progress and to meet full potential. Our Attendance Officer Gill Bennett closely monitors individual attendance to ensure that all young people get every opportunity to access education. Persistent absenteeism at The Orchard Centre is described as having 90% attendance or below. This could trigger involvement from the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer.


Clear communication between The Orchard Centre and families is key to monitoring attendance. It is recognised that some young people may have medical appointments and ask that, if possible, these are made outside of school hours to reduce any interruption during the school day. If this is not possible, please endeavour for your child to attend before or after these appointments.


Leave (eg. holidays requests) will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.


To report any absence, appointment dates or to discuss attendance issues please call Gill Bennett on 01902 558859.

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